How to obtain your first investment property

When talking about real estate we notice it is a very complicated subject. The problem is that it is very capital concentrated, especially for those who don’t have assets. The truth is that buying a good rental property is hard, but it is also possible.

Steps to acquire an investment property

Step 1: Learn and study everything about real estate

This is the toughest part but if you want to be successful you need to learn how real estate actually works. Read books, even if you only understand half of it, keep working through it and eventually you will understood most of it. If you don’t know a term google it but try a way to learn everything you can.

You will see that the beautiful thing about real estate is that there are different ways to make money (investing, brokering, research, tech, appraisals, renovations, etc.). That is real estate is a huge driver for the US and global economy.

Step 2: Commit yourself to own real estate

This is vital in the process. Not everybody comes from a wealthy family but that doesn´t mean you can own something, to be able to buy properties you have to be committed.

Embrace the fight, use it as motivation. If you are really committed, you will get it done.

Fci strategyStep 3: Develop a strategy

An attainable strategy for most people is to buy a single-family house with an investor and rent it out for income and price appreciation. This is just to start. Focus just on achievable goals.  Your strategy is to have goods that will cash flow. By the end of the year, the outlay must be less than what the property brings.

First, find a property: Go to Fci Exhange or other listing site and look what is on the market. Once you find a deal, make an offer.

Step 4: Find an investor

How? Well, talk about your goal to buy real estate. It can be seen as arrogant or even taboo, but this really works. You need to sound and look smart when talking about real estate and have a plan, people need to see that it works.

Final step: stay persistent

This step-by-step process is simple. You need to be patient in this business, you will have difficulties, bad tenants, renovation but don’t freak out and never quit.long-term-strategy1

The strategy to building this kind of longterm wealth is having interest work for you, not against you and buying rental property is the most achievable way to do this.


Marketing Predictions made for this year to take advantage in real estate

When the year started, some people dared to predict some trends and technologies that were going to impact marketers this year. There are only 3 months left to this 2014 to end, do you think some of these strategies were followed? Do you think real estate investors can take advantages of this facts to improve their investments? Let’s check them out.

  1. The consumer becomes the new content marketer: More brands were supposed to add more photos, video and other content from consumers and repurpose them for marketing campaigns. If you are in the real estate business you need to update all your listings constantly, upload videos and photos, you have to see the way to convince people to make business with you.  The Fact: Every time a consumer posts something on the web it is seen by 150 people. So, realtor, what are you waiting to start posting?
  2. Brands weave a social layer across traditional advertising: Marketing teams amplifies the reach of TV and print campaigns by incentivizing viewers to post hashtagged content and running related social ads. Start with the #realestate #investments hashtags now!! The Fact: 44% of TV viewers use a second screen ½ the time they watch TV. Realtor: Attention to this!! 88% of marketers believe that integrated multi-screen   campaigns will become very important in the next three years.
  3. Marketers connect the dots between email and social: Email and social are two powerful channels with a symbiotic relationship. In 2014, brands will use them in combination to build, target and convert audiences. The Fact: 70% of email marketers find product or prize giveaways to be an effective tactic for audience acquisition. Only 39% of email marketers use Facebook contest requiring fans to submit their own content but 60% rate it effective, so, what you need to start doing is using Facebook of course, but in a effcient way.
  4. Brands run more frequent social campaigns: Social gives brands the freedom to launch content and campaigns on the fly. To stay competitive, you need to run frequent campaigns that engage multiple audience segments in different social media platforms to reach more clients.

Hope this post helps those people investing in the real estate business, if you need more info about this, just go to for more information
